Monday, February 21, 2011

angels? holy or evil?

ever think of those winged creatures that fly in the skys? are they nice, sweet? OR Evil and blood-thristing?
i honsetly think that angels are want-a -be humans and live among us in peace to us no harm. i'm not saying that they are not capible of harm but i would NOT take chances!

the big bang- simple

ver think of the big bang? I mean i totally get it, but they say that something was created from nothing.When the laws of matter say that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.....SO that means that "nothing" was really a something but just called a nothing when something was really occupieing that space.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

waterlilies in winter?

Water lily is a common name for a genus of aquatics called nymphea.Members of this family are commonly called water lilies and live in freshwater areas in temperate and tropical climates around the world. Like most flowers, water lilies cannot survie without water and or freezing tempeture.It is Quite rare to spot one of these beautiful flowers in the winter but are pretty all the same.